- A Cleansing Initiative
- About the School for Esoteric Studies
- Acknowledgements
- Addressing Social Injustices
- Ageless Wisdom Overview Course
- Aids for Esoteric Work
- Aids for Intergroup Collaboration
- Alice Bailey Talks
- Alice Bailey Talks: 1945
- Alice Bailey Talks: 1946
- Alice Bailey Talks: Apr-June 1944
- Alice Bailey Talks: Fall 1943
- Alice Bailey Talks: Fall 1944
- Alice Bailey Talks: Jan-Mar 1944
- Alice Bailey Talks: Spring 1943
- Antahkarana and Advanced Coursework
- Application for Admission
- Articles
- Biography of Alice Bailey
- Blue Book Publications
- Booklets
- Contact Us
- Cookies Policy
- Current Topics for Reflection
- Deeper Meanings of the Great Invocation
- Description of Courses
- Dialogue on Inclusive Social Action
- Donations
- eNews from the School
- Esoteric Discipleship Training
- Expectations of Students
- Festival Talks
- Frequently Asked Questions
- Front page
- Full Moon Meditation
- Full Moon Talks
- How Training Is Financed
- Inclusive Social Action
- Intergroup Collaboration Within the New Group of World Servers
- Introduction to the Ageless Wisdom
- Is SES Right for You?
- Library
- Links
- Mantras and Affirmations
- Master Djwhal Khul and Alice Bailey
- Media for the Soul
- Meditation Aids
- Meditation for the Reappearance of the Coming One
- Meditation on Attracting Money for Spiritual Purposes
- Meditation Techniques
- Mission & History
- Other New Group of World Servers Initiatives
- Our Intergroup Collaboration Agreements
- Our School and the New Group of World Servers
- Our School as a Group Project
- Our School’s Policy on Intergroup Collaboration
- Our Work as a Group
- Participating in the School for Esoteric Studies
- Pearls of Wisdom: Basic Propositions
- Pearls of Wisdom: Body Mind Spirit
- Pearls of Wisdom: Creative Meditation
- Pearls of Wisdom: Esoteric Meaning
- Pearls of Wisdom: Esoteric Sciences
- Pearls of Wisdom: Esoteric Structure
- Pearls of Wisdom: Evocative Words
- Pearls of Wisdom: Full Moon Festivals
- Pearls of Wisdom: Growth Process
- Pearls of Wisdom: Harmlessness
- Pearls of Wisdom: Meditation Mantras
- Pearls of Wisdom: Occult Laws
- Pearls of Wisdom: Right Speech
- Pearls of Wisdom: Spiritual Attributes
- Pearls of Wisdom: Spiritual Service 1
- Pearls of Wisdom: Spiritual Service 2
- Pearls of Wisdom: Spiritual Teachings
- Pearls of Wisdom: Subjective Group Work
- Pearls of Wisdom: The Great Invocation
- Pearls of Wisdom: The Seven Rays
- Pearls of Wisdom: The Will
- Radio Mantra Shows
- Reflective Meditations
- Selecting Methods of Service
- Service Meditation Sequence
- Shifting Our Focus From Pain to Joy
- Sitemap
- Something Else
- Space of the Soul Shows
- Spirit Fire Radio Shows
- Subjective Group Conference
- Supplemental Materials for Students
- Support for Intergroup Collaboration
- Terms & Conditions
- Testimonials
- The Great Invocation
- The Illusion of Loneliness
- The Lens of Service
- The Nature of Invocation
- The Nature of Service
- Three Training Components
- Training Sequence
- Understanding Homosexuality
- Understanding the Rhythm of Creation
- Using Gender-Neutral Language
- Using the Great Invocation
- What Are Esoteric Studies?
- White Paper Summaries
- Working Within a Ray Two Group
- YouTube Videos